About RadioHeLL

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  • Meet, chat and have fun with metal fans all around the world
  • Trade or exchange pictures, lyrics, mp3s etc from your favourite bands (however, read below).
  • Create a forum from which to discuss current news relative to our music (updates, releases, lives)
  • Promote or advertise your own band (if u participate in one)
  • Freely speak your own mind and express your opinion
  • Spit your guts out against anything that annoys you or/and makes you feel oppressed

  • Vainful attempts to take it over by messing with the X bot or other security bots
  • Speaking any other language than English in public . #RADIOHELL is an international forum and not a local channel. Respect those who do not understand your mother language and use English instead. Of course, you can always chat in any language you wish in your private queries.
  • Denial of Service attacks agains the channel or its users
  • Swearing and insulting other users, particularly the operators, without a reason
  • Praising trendy bands completely irrelative to metal (belonging to rave, techno, trance, rap and similar fieces)
  • Massdeopping or massopping without advising a senior operator first.
  • Begging for ops and/or voice.
  • Kicking or banning without a damn serious excuse. Trigger-happy ops are not welcome.


This isn't about discriminating anyone. We don't hate Romanians, Norwegians, Mexicans, Martians or any other nationality. We want the channel to retain its international character, that's all.